Posts with the category “band”

3 Ways to become a better piano player
by Roman Hendricks on May 24th, 2022
Keys players! No matter where you are at or what your skill level is, check out this article. It will definitely challenge you to grow your craft! ...  Read More
The Right and Wrong Way to Play Cymbals
by Roman Hendricks on May 18th, 2022
Drummers! It's everyone loves a good cymbal swell right?! Drums are the heartbeat of modern worship music (is that a cymbal reference?) and the way that you use your cymbals will make everything gel together or will make everyone wish they had ear plugs. Check out this helpful tutorial from the guys over at Worship Online!...  Read More
How to fit into the band - AG
by Roman Hendricks on March 2nd, 2022
Hey team! Check out this in depth video walking through how an Acoustic player fits into the band. It is super helpful, even if you don't play acoustic, to know what to listen for and who to follow to make sure that we aren't mudding up the sonic space. Check it out, take some notes and keep growing that craft! ...  Read More
We are all arrangers
by Roman Hendricks on February 17th, 2022
It is such an easy trap to fall hop into PCO, check out the set list for the week, you learn your part and then you play your part exactly as you learned it. I found this article that unpacks the "secret sauce" to great worship teams...everyone has to see themselves as an arranger. There are so many helpful tips in here so I hope you are able to take time to read it and implement some o...  Read More
Rhythm Guitar Techniques
by Roman Hendricks on February 17th, 2022
Running two or more Electric Guitars during a worship set is great for flexibility and adding different textures BUT it can become over kill and muddy up a mix if people don't know what lane they should run in. This video is a little older (2016) but has some great tips on how to think through playing rhythm EG. Check it Out! ...  Read More
Get better at drums in your car?
by Roman Hendricks on February 17th, 2022
Calling all drummers! I came across this article that I thought was super interesting. The author gives 6 ways you can get better at drums in your car...interesting right?! Check it out below! ...  Read More
Mistakes Worship Piano Players Make
by Roman Hendricks on January 11th, 2022
Shout out to all the piano players out there! I found this article from the team over at and found it very helpful! They walk through 8 mistakes that worship piano players make. Its a quick read but the points they make are worth stoping and thinking about no matter how long you've played piano in a worship context. Keep growing that craft! ...  Read More
How to become a phenomenal MD
by Roman Hendricks on November 15th, 2021
Music Directing is not a walk in the park. Not only are you responsible for playing your part, but you help guide the team through the worship set. Whether you've been a music director for awhile, are a beginner, or are simply interested in learning how to grow in this skill set, this video below does a great job giving tips for music directors! His 7 tips are: 1) Authority2) Relationship 3) Learn...  Read More
Underscoring From The Keys
by Roman Hendricks on September 13th, 2021
The two words that come to mind when I think of padding underneath a speaking moment are: simple and sensitive. Simple because the goal in a moment like this is to support the communicator. Anything that is overly complex would draw attention to you and not what is being said. This requires discernment to what the moment needs. Sensitive because it is so easy for keys players to come out and play ...  Read More
How Drum and Bass Work Together
by Roman Hendricks on August 31st, 2021
The rhythm section is vital in modern worship music. This is a video where two guys (the drummer for Kari Jobe and Bass player for Elevation) talk through some of their strategies when they approach playing worship music. My take away when I watched it was: Simple and locked in is always better! ...  Read More
Your Role as a Keys Player
by Roman Hendricks on August 31st, 2021
Leave it to the guys over at the Worship Initiative to simplify things so well! This video is a great resource to check out if you are wondering how to best think through your role as a keys player. Check it out, take some notes, and cultivate your craft! ...  Read More
The Basics of the Nashville Number System
by Roman Hendricks on August 31st, 2021
Why learn the Number System?Lots of musicians use the Nashville Number System as a way to communicate with each other, in order to help streamline practices and rehearsals. We at CG Worship wanted to give you a resource to learn the basics of this system if you would like to!What is the Number System?The Nashville Number System is where you assign a number to the corresponding scale degree in the ...  Read More