5 Before

Have you ever stumbled onto the stage after the sermon and had no idea what was happening in the room seconds before you started to play? What about those times when the pastor says, "amen" and you frantically mush together a sentence that is full of christian lingo but is vague and disconnected to the sermon? Or you slide into your role on the production team and you "assume the position" without being sensitive to the room?

Often, this ends with you scratching your head saying things like..."man, that was a blur." or "what just happened back there?" 

If we don't take our attention captive, we will miss what our intention was to begin with.

As a worship team, our intention is to point people to God as we facilitate a time where the church of Jesus can corporately (together) worship Him. No matter how often we say that though, what we set our attention on can often effect our intention. Remember the examples above? If we don't take our attention captive, we will miss what our intention was to begin with.

5 Before 

This is where 5 Before comes in. What is 5 before? Great question!
5 Before refers to the 5 minutes before you walk out on stage or sit in your seat. Before we start, we should set our attention on our intention. This could look like a variety of things: you could pray, read scripture, read the lyrics of the songs or pray for the people who are in the room. The goal isn't what you do but that you are fixing your focus on what you are about to do. 
What does 5 before mean for us as a team? 
As a team, we will pray together 5 min before we step out to lead. Now, not everyone will be able to do this depending on your role but I would still challenge you to remember 5 before. Take some time to set your attention on the intention. We serve best when we are submitted and sensitive to God's Holy Spirit. Remember our manifesto point...

We lead authentically when we live dependently

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