Edify Over Envy

If you have spent any time around the CG Worship team, I'm sure that you've heard us say things like, We Come Prepared in Character and Craft, We Choose Servanthood Over Stardom and We Edify Over Envy. These phrases and the others found in our worship manifesto are foundational to help us remember "The Why" so we don't fall prey to the traps that are so easy to give into. I wanted to unpack a common "trap" that is so easy for musicians and creatives to believe and give you a truth we can choose instead.

Trap - Comparison 
Let's be honest, it is SO easy to get lost in the comparison game and look at each other as competition, rather than as the body of Christ. Flip open your Bible to the 4th chapter in Genesis and you will see the seed of comparison blossom into death. Cain went so far as to murder his brother because he couldn't get past God's decision to accept his brother's offering over his. He locked eyes with their differences and sin overtook him. Cain had his eyes fixed so closely on comparing himself to his brother Able, that he took his eyes off of God. That is the fundamental issue with comparison, we care more about where we "stack up" to everyone else, than actually setting our attention on God and his purposes. Comparison really is deceptive because it almost always starts small and grows into a beast that consumes us. We ALL struggle with this temptation to envy each other but we must remember that the goal of our role is not to bring attention on ourselves but rather, to serve God's church by pointing everyone's attention to God and his glory.  

Truth - Edify Over Envy
Whenever you feel captivated with comparing yourself to others, choose to celebrate what God is doing in and through their life. Don't simply "defy our differences" for a false sense of unity, we ARE all different. Look for the unique way that God has gifted them and praise God for his goodness! We are all made in the image of God and when we recognize that we all play a valuable role in the body of Christ, we can truly be a team where "if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it". 1 Corinthians 12: 21-26
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