Please feel free to use the information below as a guide to help you as you read, reflect, and pray intentionally this Easter season.

Holy Week Reflections

On Palm Sunday we will follow the events of Easter week, leading us to the death and resurrection of Jesus. Each day, scripture readings and reflection prompts will be shared for you to pause and meditate on the reality of Easter.

We cannot wait to see and hear about all the Lord does in your lives, your families, and our church!
As you engage in prayer as part of each daily meditation, follow the outline below to pray specifically and with intentionality.

Prayer with Kingdom Intercession

Invocation asks for God’s presence by calling on Him to be present, hear and respond to what is about to be said. Begin by mentioning one or more of His names or attributes.

Adoration is the act of paying honor to God with worship for Who He is, what He has done, and what He does. Consider His attributes, characteristics and works that are unique to Him.

Confession acknowledges sinfulness and discloses personal sin before God, seeking forgiveness and restoration to fellowship with Him.

A petition in prayer is a respectful request for something desired of God as the One with the authority and ability to grant it. They are requests guided by the aim of seeing His “kingdom come and will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Self-Dedication involves devoting self to God and the place He gives you to bring Him glory and do others good. Commit your prayers, yourself and your service to Him.

Thanksgiving is the grateful acknowledgement of God’s benefits, favor and kindness shown.

Blessing is the final expression of praise, devotion and worship concluded with “In Jesus Name, Amen” as your closing confession in Him - “Let it be so, in Jesus according to Your will.”