Follow along with the events of Easter week, leading to the death and resurrection of Jesus. Each day, scripture readings and reflection prompts will guide us to pause and meditate on the reality of Easter.


Matthew 26:26-29

  • The Lord’s Supper reminds us of the forgiveness we have in Jesus and the future we have with Jesus, in His Kingdom. Pause and recount all of the ways Jesus has forgiven you. What comes to mind?

  • There is a coming day when we will eat with Jesus in our Father’s Kingdom. It will be the best Supper you ever experience. What excites you about this? Think creatively about what that may be like.

Family Worship

Each day, we’ve provided a family element for those with younger children (toddler – elementary) that ties into the theme of the adult devotional. Whether it’s in the morning, at mealtime or at bedtime - we encourage you to read, talk, and pray together! We’ve included both scripture and a passage from the Jesus Storybook Bible that goes along with the day’s theme. Choose whichever is best for your family for the daily reading. We’re praying for God to move in the hearts in your home this Easter.

A fun way to engage kids with scripture is to act it out!

Jesus Storybook Bible: Servant King (page 286)
Luke 22:14-23

Guide discussion and let kids ask their own questions too!

1. Jesus is showing us that loving others means serving them, showing that what they need is more important than what we need.
2. What do you think it felt like to be a disciple, getting your feet washed by Jesus?
3. Share about a time when you have served a friend or family member.
4. How can you serve a family member or friend this week?

Use PART to guide your prayer time and make it your own.

Praise | Wow God, you are…
Admit | God, I’m sorry…
Request | Please help…
Thanksgiving | Thank you for…